Fairtrade & Organic Certification


From the outset BioBean Coffee has been Fairtrade Certified and became Organically Certified as processors with Australian Certified Organic as processors in January 2006.

This certification is your guarantee that you are getting an Organic Certified Product (that may sound silly but many processors of a variety of products invent their own certification).

We are annually audited by Australian Certified Organic which involves providing our auditor with evidence of an unbroken paper trail of certification from the grower to the sealed bag.  With good record keeping this is not difficult.

John enjoying a cup of coffee and a date slice while carrying out our annual audit.

Many roasters claim to be ‘organic’ but are not certified processors. Look for the logo.  If there isn’t a processor number the chances are its been photoshopped!




We adopted Fairtrade Certification as we believe it to be the fairest and most transparent way to show our customers that our coffee is ethical.  Again we are audited every second year but have to provide a quarterly report to Fairtrade ANZ to ensure that we are accounting for every bean we buy and sell. Below are links to producer profiles so you can actually see where your dollar goes when you drink a cup of Fairtrade coffee.

Kathe Purvis is amazed by Ben’s amazing record keeping during a Fairtrade audit.


East Timor Maubisse

East Timor producer profile

Peru – Café Femenino

The Café Femenino Story

Papua New Guinea Purosa

Papua New Guinea Producer Profile

Ethiopian Sidamo

Ethiopian Sidamo Producer Profile


Colombian Producer Profile



ACO Certification

Fairtrade Certificate Biobean Coffee 2018

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